Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Week 4 Textbook chapter 6

Week 4 Textbook chapter 6

Q A question directly from the book this week - You have a friend you like and respect. You’ve spent a lot of time with him over the years in school and you know he’s very responsible, a hard worker, and smart. He’d be good at almost any entry-level type job; you’re sure of it. He comes to you and asks you to fake having been his boss for a pizza delivery business. “I just want,” he says, “someone out there who I can count on to say I’m the good, responsible type. You know, someone who’s always on time for work, that kind of thing.” Would you do it? Justify your answer.

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I think that I would have to explain to my friend that it would be unethical to support my friend in this scenario because I would have to compromise with my personal and professional ethics. I would not do what my friend would ask me to do because I would definitely refuse to do this unethical acting of a satisfied boss. I would justify my reasons for not doing it to my friend. I think that if I start supporting and assisting my friend in this situation; it would imply that I would be requested by my friend to do more unethical things in the future.